10 Tips for Staying Motivated As A Creative

Creative block is something that as a creative, or just generally as a person, most people experience at some point in their life. If it’s your job to be a creator and to be constantly creating content, losing the motivation to create can become somewhat of a vicious cycle: you need to create, but if you over-exercise the muscle then you’ll likely lead to burnout.

Continue reading 10 Tips for Staying Motivated As A Creative

How to Use Colour

As a visual artist, colour is a key element of my work. Whether it’s in my photography work or my design work, understanding how and when to use colour is important in both the aesthetic appeal of my work and in its visual communication.

Continue reading How to Use Colour

How to Take Product Photographs (At Home)


The world is in a weird phase. The sense of normality has shifted into something that feels quite dystopian now and as a result of this, many of our passions, hobbies and even jobs have had to adapt.

As a fashion photographer who can’t go out to work due to Government restrictions, I’m having to re-work the way in which I do my job. One of those ways is working within different niches.

Continue reading How to Take Product Photographs (At Home)

East Croydon Cool talks…HOM[E]AGE Croydon


East Croydon Cool talks…is a blog series that explores topics of cultural interest via local area experts. This month we caught up with Sophia Carey, a freelance photographer and designer who grew up in Croydon, about her latest project HOM[E]AGE.

HOM[E]AGE explores the themes of coming of age and of home; exploring the way that people interact with their environment and how the people and places that they engage with influence their person, their ideologies and their craft. Sophia has started the project in the town she grew up, with HOM[E]AGE Croydon focusing on the towns and places that make up the London Borough of Croydon, and the people that enrich it. It is a homage to the place and the people.

Firstly, how did you get into photography and videography?
My initial journey into photography was through studying graphic design and using a camera to capture photographs…

View original post 616 more words

End of an Era

Over the past couple of years my activity here has gotten slower and slower, and for good reason. I’ve been shifting my focus into something further astray from blogging but still on a similar creative wavelength: photography.

I’ve been working hard to try and extend my passion into a career path and with that I’ve totally rebranded to allow myself more freedom and more professionalism.

You can see my work on my portfolio here or follow me on Insta or Twitter.

But, life is quite circular and I’ve ended up falling back in love with blogging, but under a new URL. If you’d like to visit me there, I’d be eternally grateful. Of course, leave your blog links/Bloglovin’ links below and I’ll be sure to follow you back.

My new home can be found by following this link. I hope to see you there.

NinjaTea X Nat James X George Lucid

In the last couple of weeks I’ve had the opportunity to work with a few people active on the Manchester grime and hip hop scene: NinjaTea, George Lucid and Nat James. This is a montage of some of the footage I’ve filmed during our photoshoots.


if i get high

Making Money: For Students

If anything, this was initially a list of resources that I had compiled to remind myself of the ways in which I could make money, but I’ve decided to share it as I feel as though it might be beneficial to people other than myself.

As a student, I know the struggle of both trying to get by with and without a job and how extra disposable cash is always appreciated. I know as well as you do that time is precious, however, and that searching the web for “how to make money quickly” and the likes of is often pointless and time consuming. If you have anything that could be added to this list, or you can vouch for anything already here, let me know in the comments. This list is going to be regularly updated so it might be an idea to bookmark it now and refer to it as time goes on.

Continue reading Making Money: For Students

To the Bone; why I disagree with the critics.

“To the Bone” is a new Netflix original film – starring the likes of Lily Collins and Keanu Reeves – and has been met with mixed reviews. Many critics have claimed that the film glamourises eating disorders (EDs) and the film has received backlash regarding this.

However, I genuinely disagree with this perspective. I don’t believe that EDs are at all romanticised within the film but rather the harsh reality which concerns them is focused on. If anything, it is a story that promotes the concept of recovery and has the ability to start an honest conversation about mental illness and eating disorders that the mainstream media fail to explore in the depth that it deserves. Continue reading To the Bone; why I disagree with the critics.