01:46 Teach Me How To Study

They’re stressful, exams. One or two are more than enough but it’s hard not to burn out when you have weeks of exams.

Maths. English. Maths (again). Citizenship. IT. Media. Science. Citizenship (again). Science (again). Spanish. Spanish (again).

That’s my exam timetable for the next two weeks. Luckily, I don’t have as many exams as some of my peers.

Tomorrow, I’m going to spend the day studying and learning how to study. Revision at the moment is too difficult. How is it even done effectively?

I’ve been told to allow myself time to “live”; not to burn myself out. I’ve also been told to burn myself out; sacrifice my life for the next two weeks. Any advice on the topic has been a contradiction, so far.

So, teach me how to study?

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